Are you blind deploy the garrison
Are you blind deploy the garrison

are you blind deploy the garrison

9 – 12 Cross-sectional and quasi-experimental studies of television viewing among school-age children and adolescents have revealed television viewing to be associated with aggression. 4 – 8 Considerable research has established the adverse effects of violent television programming on children’s level of aggression. 2, 3 Decades of research rooted in observational theory have revealed that children emulate behaviors (good and bad) that they see on screen. 1 Although that amount alone might give one pause, equally, and perhaps more concerning, has been the amount of aggression that they watch. Preschool-aged children in the United States spend an estimated 4.4 hours per day watching television at home and in day care settings.

are you blind deploy the garrison

Modifying what children watch can improve their observed behavior.

Are you blind deploy the garrison